Friday, September 11, 2009


So wow!! Has it ever been ages since I last posted on this thing?! Sooo much has happened since that last post I can't even remember it all! All the pups have new homes and all reports indicate they are doing well! Well my new roommate has since moved in AND we added another roomie, a little kitty named Missy. Well she isn't so little now, but she was when we got her! She is adorable and since my friend/roomies name is Melissa aswell, we thought it only approrpiate to name our kitty Missy! She is soooo adorable and I soooo LOVE her!! School is back in and I am so excited because this marks the beginning to the end of school! yayy! Anyhow, enjoy my pics!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Sooooo, delayed as usual!! Our dog had PUPPIES!! SIX in total, but after a week the runt died. Ther were born on April FOOLS day! Loves it! Enjoy the pic's!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Post Secret's #5

Here are some of my favourite secrets posted by Frank Warren this week! The first one below also has a message that was sent to him from a post secret reader! Thought I would include the message as it literally made me LOL.

-----Email Message-----Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 12:25 PMSubject: showerI leave my bathroom door cracked because otherwise it gets too steamy. Now I'm concerned that when my roommate wakes up and checks out the secrets that she is going to think I sent this! eek

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Children are like snowflakes, no two are alike! -unknown

I think this is the single most amazing quote ever. It is so true, and as a future CYC it's deff important to remember this!